Categories: Grandparents Rights

Why you need to know your grandparents rights

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Are you a grandparent who is feeling wronged? Are you intending to file a law suit to enable you to visit your grandchildren? Are you feeling frustrated by the repeated refusals your son or daughter’s ex spouse is putting you through when it comes to your grandchildren and you? Do you suspect your grandchild is being subjected to child abuse, drugs or careless parenting?

If so, then it is time you got to know your grandparents rights inside out. Grandparents rights are rights that grandparents have over their grandchildren in matters of visitations, custody, care and control. The court has its ways to check if you are someone who deserves grandparents rights. It does this by appointing a custody supervisor who will check on you from time to and report the safety of the grandchildren in your care. It pays to be prepared and well informed about grandparents rights and procedures that go into securing them for yourselves.

These rights are not easy to obtain, and in some states can not be obtained at all. You must examine the current information regarding grandparents rights before going to a lawyer and paying a large sum. It is important you know what is possible and what is not.

This information can be gathered from this website as well as my comprehensive book No Greater Loss. You may eventually need to hire a good grandparents rights expert who will be able to assist you to sail through your trial. As a grandparent you definitely have the right to be in touch with your grandchildren and you must do everything you can to secure this right for yourself. Grandparents rights are established specifically for this purpose.


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