Richard says it better than I ever could;
The Grandparents Rights Organization is a national volunteer nonprofit organization founded in 1984 by founder and executive director, attorney Richard S. Victor. It has been qualified as tax-exempt organization under section 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in section 501 (c) (3). Its purpose is to educate and support grandparents and grandchildren and to advocate their desire to continue a relationship that may be threatened with loss of contact or amputation, usually following: family acrimony; a child being born out of wedlock; the death of one of the child’s parents or the divorce of the grandchild’s parents.
The very first quote in my book “NO GREATER LOSS” is from Mr. Victor; “Remember, if death takes a grandparent from a grandchild, that is a tragedy, but if petty vindictiveness and hostilities within a family amputate a grandchild from their grandparents, then that is a shame”.
It is important to realize that Mr. Victor made it his mission to look out for the best interest of the grandchildren by fighting for the continuity of the extended family. The implications and benefits of his work are evident in the fact that all 50 states now have some form of Grandparent Rights law. Just stop and think of where we would be without his efforts.
In 1984 Grandparents didn’t even have what is called Standing (The legal term is locus standi; this is the term for the ability of a party to demonstrate to the court sufficient connection to and harm from the law or action challenged to support that party’s participation in the case.) In other words we didn’t have a voice in the courts. This provided grandparents with a huge step forward in preserving the ties to their grandkids.
He has testified in front of Senate committees, been on Oprah, The Today show, CNN, Fox, CNBC. The list goes on. However he finds time to be a Good Grandfather to his grandchildren and the keyboard sounds of his Jazz band.
Rather than my going on and on about Richard, his excellence in the law and his work I would encourage you to spend some time looking over the GRO web site. You will come to know just what an effort was advanced on behalf of each of us that are grandparents and especially our grandchildren. You will even be treated to some really neat Jazz Music.
My response to all that Mr. Victor has done is to offer him a heartfelt Thanks and to do my part in keeping the awareness heightened about the need for grandparents in their grandchildren’s lives. I also hope to convey that we have a long way to go.
My hope for each of you is Great-Grandparenting. NEIL
I saw this article and it reminded me that unless a Grandparent or other relative…
No matter where you are in this roller coaster of Grandparents access to their grandchildren…
We would all do better to ask this question in all significant situations in all…
By the time things get to the point of a “Rights struggle” there has been…
I commend you for taking action on behalf of your Grandkids. It is my belief…
Most of you reading this have already exhausted the common sense approach of appealing to…
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i need help with my grandkids my daughter gave me custody but i need a home study before dec 9 which is the next court date. and she is going to jail dec 27th.
Please help
Hello Kim,
First, take a deep breath. Now congratulate yourself for rescuing your grandchildren.
Now down to business. I can't list everything here but in my book the chapter on "What a Court considers...." are the following. What relationship exists between Grandparent and the children. The Intentions of the Grandparent. The relationship between the parent(s) and the Grandparent. The regularity or consistency of visits and/or care given the grandchildren by the grandparent. History of abuse of any kind by the parent or the grandparent.
From the brief comment you made it sounds like you are on good ground. In a comment there is only so much I can do. I have much more in the book that addresses the courts. Your contribution sounds like it has been generous so just go and tell your story to the court. Any documentation or just hand written notes to yourself will help you be calm and accurate.
You sound like a good grandma, just go tell the court that.
My hope for you is Great-Grandparenting. NEIL
Denied access seems to be a worldwide trend .
I'm in favour of childrens Rights to have access to their grandparents.
Grandparents are going about it the wrong way. Check the law in the province of Quebec. It is in harmony with Childrens United Nations the rights of a child. The law states "For No grave reason shall a gradchild be kept away from his grandparents"
Thanks for your insight. We do have a long way to go in this country. NEIL