I must admit that reading with my Grandkids gets more complicated the older they get. If you are fortunate enough to have young and rambunctious grandkids, you may choose a book like “THE LITTLE GREEN BOAT” by award-winning writer Chris Stead or, staying with the nautical theme, possibly “A BIG BLUE BOAT” by Susea Spray.
If, as is my case, your youngest grandchildren are teens and older, you have a more significant challenge. I no longer read TO my grandkids; I now read FOR them. If I find a book I think they would like, I first buy and read it for a quality and appropriateness check. I read and reread a mystical romance novel in the past months and then sent it to my 16-year-old granddaughter. I just finished credible and current non-fiction called “THE METAVERSE and how it will Revolutionize Everything” and promptly sent a copy to my 14-year-old grandson. He happens to be a gamer and mathematical genius.
I must confess that I am in over my head with both of these subjects, but I can guarantee that those two young people KNOW that their Grandpa Neil is very interested in them. When I see them every few months, one of our conversations is about what they are reading and their activities.
I am researching everything Equine and Pet health related since my oldest Son, and I are in the Horse health products and pet health supplement Industry. This is also an interest of a couple of my granddaughters, so that connection makes sense.
I can attest that I had never wasted one moment when investing in my Grandkids’ interests and the bond that comes from my efforts. I may not be the most incredible Grandpa, but they know I Care.
Please consider your way to connect with your Grands. It may or may not be through reading, but find what they are interested in and immerse yourself in it. The rewards are breathtaking.
Thank You for being a Caring Grandparent.
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