Categories: Grandparents Rights

We Can’t Give Up On Grandparents Rights

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I stay inspired to write on the subject of Grandparents Rights every time I look at my Grandangel’s picture. If you are suffering alienation from your grandkids my heart goes out to you.

You all know by now that I advocate doing all you can before you choose the legal avenue. If legal action is the only way then you can arm yourself with several things that are helpful in court. In all I read about Grandparents Visitation rights cases a lot of weight is placed on an ongoing healthy relationship between Grandparents and their Grands. I just read about one case where the grandparents brought toll booth receipts to show they had made 31 trips up the New Jersey turnpike in an 8 month span to see their grandson. That is dedication.

It is also helpful to just brainstorm and write down all the times and activities you have done with your grandchildren. Most courts will accept this in good faith. It shows a pattern of connectivity and concern. Even in the 2000 US Supreme Court TROXEL et vir.v.GRANVILLE decision Justice Kennedy referred to a bond between Grandparents and their grandkids.

The fight is long and hard but just keep YOUR grandchild’s benefits of having their grandparents in their lives as the goal.

Thank You for being Caring Grandparents.  Grandpa NEIL


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