Categories: Grandparents Rights


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Most Grandparents that respond to this site are already deeply embroiled in a struggle for their Grandparent’s rights and that is certainly a huge portion of what we are about here on Caring Grandparents.  It tears my heart out to read case studies and stories about loving grandparents that are used as pawns in the highly emotional and shortsighted battles that occur when a family unit is in trouble for whatever reason(s).  Many times it is necessary for the grandparents to “bribe” the custody parent just to get Grandparents visitation rights that should be given freely for the child’s sake.  This is an unjust and unfair situation that cannot be left unchallenged.  Even though this is a very complex struggle, our Grandchildren deserve so much more than this.  To that end I will continue to do what I can to right this wrong.

As I do research for my next book I am uplifted to find many wonderful folks doing many wonderful things to improve the situation surrounding this extended/mixed family conundrum.  I am also struck by the realization that, as Albert Einstein said, “It is not possible to solve a problem at the same intellectual level that it was created.”  To this I agree 100%.  But then of course, who am I to disagree with Einstein.

All kidding aside.  The one place we, as Caring Grandparents could start is with the re-framing of the entire debate and struggle.  Would it not be more meaningful to frame this entire issue as “A child’s birthright ‘ instead of Grandparents rights in how we talk about things?  This change in focus, in my opinion, gets to the heart of the matter.  I will just clearly state that if the grandparent is pursuing their rights for any other purpose than “The best interest of the child” then I withdraw my support of that person.

My hope for you is Great-Grandparenting.  Grandpa NEIL




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