
August 20, 2009


YUCK! you say?  I can’t blame you, however there are some important considerations about exercise since most of us can’t recall our last marathon,  well maybe the new grandparents can, but I am just two months away from  my 65th and I don’t choose to be a poster child for old folks running 26 miles. Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul Books Co-Author) tells the story of a 95 year old banquet waiter in one of the halls that Mark was going to speak in.  He thought it would be good to include some local folks in his […]
August 17, 2009

The Legacies Of Caring Grandparents

I have read a lot of blogs about grandparents, about grandparents rights and gifts for grandparents. I want this to be about what we can do for our grandkids and what we get back for the effort. Every caring parent feels the responsibility of acting in a way that positively affects our children. Not just the way we greet our friends across the fence, not just the nice and warm family gatherings. (I refer to these as the Kenny Rogers Christmas Special syndrome), but rather when we get cut off in traffic, or the bus is late picking up the […]