One of the Nuggets of Wisdom that is irrefutable is that every connection we make with our Grandchildren offers valuable teaching moments. My nickname on my AARP sign-in page is “King of the Upside Down Hug’. As silly as this sounds, my now early 20s grandkids still ask (sarcastically since they are bigger than I am) for their upside-down hug. The magic of this gesture is that when they were small I would hug them upside down and bounce them while I would ask, Do you know what Grandpa Neil Loves about you? And they would say what. My answer was a clear and loud “EVERYTHING”! This along with other connections has produced lots of giggles and fond memories some 20 years later.
There is sound reasoning behind my silliness. These connections can help our grandkids to see their Grandparents as on their side instead of meddling with an older person in their lives. The job of kids is to try to survive all the rules and well-intentioned guidance they get from the adults in their lives. The job of parents and significant other adults is to meet this guidance.
My one granddaughter and I bond around her acting career, my grandson and I bond around gaming and how that will impact the future of the internet (the Metaverse), and my other granddaughter and I bond around her interest in horses. I have written about her volunteering with an organization called “Heart of Horse Sense” which helps folks with Traumatic injuries.
Interestingly enough I have unearthed an organization “EQUISEARCH for People Who Love Horses”. On this site, I ran across an article titled “GRANDPARENTS MAKE THE CONNECTION” By America’s Horse Daily.
These Grandparents said “ “As a grandparent, I have charged myself with making sure my grandchildren–I now have two, including a newborn granddaughter–have access to horses if their parents are OK with the idea.
What I mean is, that I don’t want to be a meddling grandparent, but I want my grandkids to appreciate horses and their surroundings. I believe we have a tremendous amount of influence over our grandkids–and what better way to get to know them than through horses. I know I’d much rather one day teach my grandson, Connor, and my granddaughter, Avery, how to groom and tack up a horse than to sit and watch them play video games all day.”
I concur, I have witnessed some amazing connections made in the Equine space. I am convinced that the sheer “MAJESTY” of these special animals provides an atmosphere for bonding and learning.
Happy Horse Rides.
Thank You for being a Caring Grandparent.
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