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Now is a time that those who are struggling with Grandparents Rights issues are on level ground with most other Grandparents. Due to this Covid 19 dilemma very few Grandparents get to spend any time with their Grandkids for their family’s and our safety as well.

When I was a Youth minister at our church I had a saying that the kids heard regularly. It goes like this; “So sad, Too bad, So what, Now what.” Let me dissect that for a moment. So sad, I recognize your pain. Too bad, I sympathize with you, So what, will your staying where you are change anything, Now what, this is all we have, we are 100% responsible for what we do about it. One of my favorite TV programs is Blue Bloods and one of the family mantras around their dinner table is “It is what you do next that counts”.

Now how does this bring us to HOPE?

If we look real close, in some cases we will have to get out our magnifying glass to see it, but there may be an opportunity lurking. For instance, if you have been having a tough time communicating with your Grands this scourge may present a chance for you to be of help to their family in some way. It may be your chance to encourage not only the kids but the parent that has been difficult to reach. Crisis has a way of creating opportunity. I am not saying it is easy but it is definitely worth a shot. And since I am a name dropper and a student of quotes please allow me one more from the Broadway play Hamilton “Don’t throw away your shot!”

We will get through this and when we look back it will be solace to realize we gave it a good try and who knows, possibly a mended relationship.


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