Grandparents visitation rights in Kentucky

Grandparents visitation rights in Virginia
October 13, 2011
October 25, 2011

grandparents rightsReasonable grandparents visitation rights in Kentucky may be awarded to either paternal or maternal grandparents if the court determines that it is in the best interest of the child to do so. These visitation rights may even survive the termination of parental rights belonging to the grandparent’s son or daughter, who is the father or mother of the child, if the court decides that visitation is in the child’s best interest.

A grandparent whose child is deceased and who supplies child support for a grandchild can be awarded visitation rights that are the equivalent of a non-custodial parent’s. Grandparents rights granted under this condition will not be terminated even if the parental rights of the grandparent’s son or daughter are terminated.

Adoption ends grandparent visitation rights unless the adopting party is the stepparent and the grandparent’s child has not suffered termination of parental rights.

In the USA there is no uniform grandparents visitation rights law. Each state has its own set of rules loosely based on a the 2000 US Supreme Court decision Troxel.

As always for a comprehensive guide to grandparents rights Kentucky and the rest of the USA, and answers to all your questions about what to do in a legal situation, see my book No Greater Loss and visit my website Caring Grandparents.

1 Comment

  1. Avatar Deborah Gilbert says:

    Yes 10 yrs ago my two oldest gran daughters were put in a none bio home, igot to see them maybe 3 times a yr. Then the oldest found out bout my daughter her birth mom and i answered some questions i was told by the other people i could not see or speak to them. Since then both people went to prison for organized crime him 13 yrs her 6 mths served , she also lied bout welfare things last feb 17 was the last time i saw or spoke to them and that because the girls said they were being touched by there uncle. I filed for eco till we went to court this day then was told i filed in wrong county and dropped the case the judge did. I was rights to my gran daughters they did not know my dad becore he past this oct. And my family lives in ga and very much want to get to know them. No i do not want custody cause i have one g child for 6 yrs but if thats the only way we will talk nina the women tells them we are white trailor trash and saying howlow we are. This they dont need if there is anyway u can help could u let me know. Right now i dt have alot of money but will wait forur call
    Deborah Gilbert

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