I wrote a hub page post on Monday and one of the comments reminded me why I do this stuff. In my mind Grandparents rights are all about the kids. I know in my heart of hearts that if we are to do anything with our energy then the highest and best use of that energy would be to help these little ones reach for whatever it is that they want in life. A corny but true fact is that the more love and support they receive the better their chance to succeed at what ever they pursue. Jump over and check out my hub. You can find it at http://hubpages.com/hub/MAKING-A-CASE-FOR-GRANDPARENTS-RIGHTS Enjoy!
You may then ask what the problem is. One answer is something I wrote in…
Now, we are faced with how to be in this new world. I don’t know…
Raising grandkids truly takes a team effort, and one of the unexpected rewards is the…
I am just telling you that the research is clear, it is incumbent upon you…
Being estranged from a Grandchild is an arrow to the heart. We will do anything…
The greatest thing humans have to offer another person is our time and attention. This…