Grandparents custody – How do we help everyone?

Where do I stand on grandparent visitation rights?
February 17, 2010
What are grandparents rights in the case of custody
February 18, 2010


If you are a grandparent and you find out that your child is getting divorced, it can be a reason for you to have many worries.  The first thing that you will probably be worried about is who gets custody of the children.  With very few grandparents rights available to you will be able to see them as often as you did prior to the divorce?  During a time of divorce, a grandparent has to bear in mind that they can be a huge help to their child and their grandchildren.

This is information that can help a grandparent in the event that their child is getting a divorce.  First, there is no reason to worry if it is your child that gets custody of the kids you will probably get to see them as much as ever.  The only way you might see a change in visitation is if you are accustomed to seeing your grandchildren every day.  Since the kids will now be splitting time between the two parents, you may not see your grandchildren as often as you did before the divorce.

If at all possible and very important, as a grandparent, attempt to stay on good terms with both parents since this will eventually be to the benefit of everyone involved.  It will help you, your child, your grandchildren, and the ex-spouse.  This will be hard to do without alienating your child but it is worth the effort.  Make sure that you communicate to your child and the ex-spouse that you want to stay in the grandchildren’s lives as much as possible.  Make sure that you emphasize the fact that you want to be a soft place for the grandchildren to land during this time of upheaval in their family.   The most important thing for the grandparents is to remember that they need to have the best interest of the grandchildren as their foremost concern.  As hard as it may be to do you need to try to be a neutral party and see both sides of the story when it comes to the divorce and you retaining the rights to see your grandchildren.

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