Grandparents rights in Tennessee could be approved

Grandparents vistiation rights and custody rights in today’s society
June 18, 2011
Why you need to know your grandparents rights
June 24, 2011

grandparents rightsTennessee judges may soon have legal authority to grant visitation rights to grandparents fighting to see their grandchildren and that’s a first for the state.

Both the House and the Senate passed the grandparents rights bill. It now sits on Governor Haslam’s desk.

It’s sponsored by Johnson City Republican Senator Rusty Crowe. Among other things, the measure calls for the court to consider whether parents are depriving a grandparent of the chance to visit a child.

Check out this video report on the bill:

Tennessee Grandparents Rights Bill


  1. Avatar jill Nygren says:

    did this bill pass I have been waiting 5 years to see my granddaughter who I have been denied to see by ex husband who adopted her. I suppose now the judge will say it is too long since I have seen her. email me please so i know if this bill was passed.

  2. neil neil says:

    Hello Jill,

    I don’t have the answer about that bill. I do know that the laws that apply are the laws in the state where your granddaughter resides. I would check with the state representative from that state and they can guide you. Unfortunately, with every state having different laws we are unable to keep up with each state. I wish you the very best and I commend you for keeping the hope alive to se your granddaughter. A judge will see this as a posotive thing, not a negative. Good Luck, Grandpa NEIL

  3. Avatar Jerry says:

    My wife and I have been seeing our granddaughter for 5 yrs. When she was born the mother and father broke it off. My son went to mediation to get visitation rights. Every thing has been going pretty good the past 5 years. Now the mother has decided to keep us from seeing our granddaughter because of an issue between my son and the mother. My son is taking her to court for violating the mediation agreement. For this the mother want let my wife and I see our granddaughter. It has been a month now since we seen our granddaughter. I can now feel the hurt that other grandparents are going through. To take a child from their grandparents after 5 years has to hurt the child. This should be considered child abuse. Seeing a grandchild should be a grandparents right. It should be the decision of the courts to determine if the grandparents are fit to see the grandchild.I have been waiting on this bill to pass for a long time. The bill Is on Governor Bill Haslems desk. I hope that the Governor passes the bill soon. Now that I have released my email can I receive update information on this issue.

  4. Avatar michele says:

    Has this been signed into law yet?? Today is March 28,2015. My grandsons due date is April 23rd. The mother and my son are not together, they don’t get along….there is a long list.. My son and I do not have a relationship. We were extremely close at one time but,that is the choice he made a couple if months back. To begin my story… The mother broke up with the father just a little over 4 months into the pregnancy. Then 6-7 months in she decided she made a mistake and wanted her family to be together. My son had made another choice to go start a new life with another girl…. The mother and I had a great relationship. We talked on the phone, sent texts,she came over just to hang out,I cooked dinner for her…..etc., this lasted up til 3 wks ago. I had found out somethings about my son and I wanted to be the one to tell her. I didn’t ant her to find out any other

  5. Avatar michele says:

    Way or by another person. Because I as worried that if I didn’t tell her she’d think I had betrayed her in someway. Now she will not answer my calls, I received 1 text message from her saying “she needed space for the remainder of her pregnancy”. I’ve sent her so many messages asking about her prenatal visits, how the baby is doing, and can I get her anything??? I get no replies. One other reply from her saying that I would see my grandson but,he wouldn’t ever be spending the night with us. ( we have made him a beautiful boy nursery out of our spare bedroom) He has his own baby bed and all essentials plus more. She said she’s looking more into the future and it may be best if we do not have bonding time. If she were to marry someone at a later time we would not see him. This is extremely heart breaking. He isn’t even bornyet and iI love this little boy with all of my heart. So if Gov. Bill Haslam has signed this law, it will bring my family joy. Because we will do everything in our power to make sure we go to court and receive the visitations we deserve. I will not give up. I will fight for our grandparents rights.

  6. Avatar Grannie Faye says:

    I know your pain Michele. I have been involve in my Grandson life for 4 years. My son and the mother of my grandson is not together. The mother started going with a young man.
    My grandson come to me on several occasion saying the new boyfriend is hitting on him. He said “Grannie he hurt me.”
    I confronted the issue with his mother. She became upset, and kept Karson from me.
    My son is only thinking about himself, not Karson or myself.
    I hurt so bad, My husband hurt. We need Grandparents rights in Tennessee.

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