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As you may have figured, I think the most important thing we can do as significant adults is to BE significant adults. Our kids and grandkids are much more interested in who we are and what we do than what we say.
I can’t imagine the fears that are swarming around our young people with all this uncertainty but I do know that I can supplement and replace that with Hope and Love which arms them with a shield, gives them a sense of themselves as someone who can not only survive but learn and thrive in this time of change.

My method is these messages of the Goodness and Grace that surrounds us. My method is affirmation of their Goodness and Grace. My method is to share all the good stuff I see and hear with as many people as will listen. Let me give you an example of this past Sunday’s Glorious beginning here on the East Coast, what I refer to as “The Cathedral of the Atlantic”. With this picture…….I rest my case.


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