Grandparents Rights

February 26, 2010

How do the courts determine grandparents visitation rights?

A lot of different factors go into determining grandparents visitation rights when it comes to grandchildren and the courts. There are some general guidelines for grandparents rights, but each state has different laws and factors. Case law shows that most states take into account the following factors when determining grandparents visitation rights: 1. The needs of the child, including considerations of physical and emotional health of the child, the safety of the child, and the welfare of the child. 2. The capability of the parents and/or grandparents to meet the needs of the child. 3. The wishes of the parents […]
February 25, 2010

Grandparent visitation rights can vary state to state

It’s important for grandparent to understand their grandparent rights when dealing with visitation issues. Grandparent visitation is something that should always be available and yet is often not in difficult circumstances if you aren’t informed of your grandparents rights. It’s also important to know that the states differ on the extent to which parents have a right to control grandparent visitation. Some states focus on what is in the “best interest of the child” in making decisions about whether or not to allow grandparents to visit. In these states, even unrelated caretakers can often petition for visitation rights, so certainly […]
February 25, 2010

If you are caring for your grandchildren, you need to protect your grandparents rights

Grandparents who are actually caring for their grandchildren should take affirmative steps to protect their grandparents rights. This can often be done by obtaining legal guardianship over the grandchildren, or by actually obtaining an order of custody. Absent a formal legal grant of rights, grandparents may find it much more difficult to preserve their relationship with their grandchildren, or to protect their grandchildren from being restored to the custody of a parent who is not ready to assume responsibility for them. You can get help on this from places like The Custody Center that specialize in making sure that grandparents […]
February 22, 2010

Grandparents rights to see children

There are many things that can happen that can cause a grandparent to lose the right to visit their grandchildren. For most grandparents nothing could be more devastating. Some of the things that can cause this unfortunate situation are divorce, the death of one or both of the parents, or just a disagreement with the parents. The reason it happens does not matter what does matter is that fact that the situation is detrimental to the grandchildren as well as the grandparents especially if you had a close relationship with the child. Worse yet is that in most states it […]
February 19, 2010

Information on grandparents visitation rights

Over the last several years there have been  laws created in 45 states to give grandparents visitation rights.  There are laws like this now in almost every state.  Before then there was no such law and grandparents rights did not exist as far as having legal standing in the courts to even attempt to have visitation.  If a parent did not want a grandparent to see their grandchildren and tried to stop, any type of visitation there was no law that gave the grandparents any options to go back on.  Grandparents rights may be different in each state.  Some states […]
February 19, 2010

Grandparents custody has financial challenges

So you have successfully exerted your grandparents rights……now what?  The reality is that certain practical considerations come into play.  You must know that there is the potential for financial problems to arise at any time.  Depending on if you are still holding down a job or have already retired it can be a different situation for everyone.  When you are raising your grandchildren, unexpected expenses may come up.  Some of these expenses are beyond your control such as childcare and healthcare.  This can make you an emotional wreck if you cannot afford the extra money going out.  It is important […]
February 18, 2010

Grandparents’ rights for visitation

The way the world is today there are many cases where the extended family can be split apart.  Divorce, drug abuse, death of one or both parents, and many other things that can happen that can destroy family bonds and make it where a grandparent can no longer have contact with their grandchildren.  There are many cases on record where a grandparent has gone to court to force grandparents visitation rights or to take custody of a grandchild and won the case.  The thing is that circumstances surrounding the case have to meet certain tight standards. First, let us be […]
February 18, 2010

What are grandparents rights in the case of custody

For many reasons grandparents end up being a parent again.  This can occur due to divorce, death of one or both of the parents, the parents having financial trouble, or the parents having legal trouble.  No matter the cause, grandparents custody of their  grandchildren creates many challenges for the new family unit.  While this may end up being the best situation for the grandchildren, it may not be the best situation for the grandparents or the parents. One of the biggest reasons why these situations do not work out as planned is the fact that the children cannot make the […]
February 17, 2010

Grandparents custody – How do we help everyone?

If you are a grandparent and you find out that your child is getting divorced, it can be a reason for you to have many worries.  The first thing that you will probably be worried about is who gets custody of the children.  With very few grandparents rights available to you will be able to see them as often as you did prior to the divorce?  During a time of divorce, a grandparent has to bear in mind that they can be a huge help to their child and their grandchildren. This is information that can help a grandparent in […]
February 17, 2010

Where do I stand on grandparent visitation rights?

This can be a confusing question to answer. As far as state laws go, many states still allow for grandparents visitation. The problem with this is that there are only certain circumstances and situations in which a grandparent can file for visitation rights. Since the Supreme Court ruled in 2000 that parents that are, and this is important, “deemed fit” have the controlling rights over their children and rightfully so. Many states are starting to look into their grandparents visitation statues and whether they are constitutional. Following the 2000 Supreme Court decision California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, and Ohio found that […]