Grandparents Rights

November 12, 2010

Improving your chances of gaining visitation rights

Grandparents concerned with visitation rights should know that there are no firm rules for determining when a court will grant visitation as every case is decided on its own facts and merits. Grandparents can, however, take steps to improve their chances of gaining visitation rights. In deciding visitation cases, courts often consider the previous relationship between the grandparent and grandchild, and they look favorably on evidence of a consistent and caring relationship. For this reason, a grandparent should try to build a meaningful relationship with a child from the outset. If the child’s parent rejects the grandparent’s efforts to visit, […]
November 9, 2010

How do states determine custody?

States generally use one of two standards for determining custody. The courts in many states currently begin any proceedings by looking for the parental preference, meaning that the wishes of the child’s parents will be followed unless there is strongly significant evidence to the court that they should not be respected. The reason for this is that the constitution gives a fit parent the right to determine what is best for the well-being of their child. Generally a grandparent then has the responsibility in overcoming parental preference by proving the parents are (to a great degree) unfit to have custody […]
October 31, 2010

Getting the facts about grandparents custody rights

The rise in grandparents custody today can be attributed to many things, especially the percentage of marriages that end in divorce. You can add to that parental problems with drugs and alcohol, financial issues, criminal issues, and the premature death of parents. In these tough times many things can cause grandparents to have to take responsibility for their grandchildren. There is a lot of happiness that comes along with raising grandchildren, but there are also many problems that can come about along the way. To get additional help with health care, finances and schooling you need to learn about the laws […]
October 30, 2010

The Case for Grandparents Rights

Looking at today’s flawed laws  it is not hard to make the case for grandparents rights. By not maintaining adequate laws to protect our children, our legal system has miserably failed them. The antiquated laws governing grandparents rights need to be revised to reflect the times we live in. More and more children’s childhoods will be destroyed, leaving them to become part of the juvenile justice system or suffer at the hands of their parents or unfit guardians. If the laws do not change allowing grandparents legal rights to protect and defend their grandchildren they will just become statistics society […]
October 29, 2010

Should I hire an attorney to seek my grandparents rights?

Although you will find more information about how to select and obtain an attorney in my book No Greater Loss the first question you must ask when considering filing for custody of your grandchildren is what is at stake? Once you decide on the importance of your efforts that should help you decide whether to hire an attorney. Although there are no hard and fast rules about hiring an attorney, the following general rules will likely apply to your case if you have decided to apply for custody of your grandchild: *If your case is going to be contested, that […]
October 26, 2010

Grandparents Rights in Divorce Agreements

One of the best times to ask for grandparents visitation rights is when the parents of your grandchildren are in the process of getting a divorce. Timing of agreements is important. Your best chance at having visitation rights is if they are stated in the separation agreement and that normally becomes part of the divorce decree. If the case involves parents who are divorced the courts will look at the divorce settlement and the custody and visitation arrangements already made. In fact, the best time to get the courts to enforce your grandparents rights is often during a divorce when […]
October 17, 2010

Grandparents rights in custody situations

If you are a grandparents who is actually providing primary care for your grandchildren you may need to take affirmative steps to protect your grandparents rights in the case that your grandchildren’s parents later come back and wish to assert their own custody or wishes. This can often be done by obtaining legal guardianship over the grandchildren, or by actually obtaining an order of custody. However you need to know the laws of custody and of your state to do so. Absent a formal legal grant of rights, grandparents may find it much more difficult to preserve their relationship with […]
October 14, 2010

The Troxell case and Grandparents Rights

Anyone interested and involved with grandparents rights needs to be aware of the Troxel case and its subsequent implications on grandparents rights. The Supreme Court issued this ruling with a 6-3 decision in June of 2000. It cancelled out a state law in Washington which permitted courts to grant visitation rights to any interested party as long as it was in the best interest of the child. The Troxel v. Granville came about in 1993 when two grandparents asked for visitation with two grandchildren, who were in the custody of their son’s estranged girlfriend after his suicide. The grandparents, Gary […]
October 9, 2010

Should I consider filing for visitation with my grandchildren?

This is a question I get asked all the time by grandparents who are feeling shut out of their grandchildrens’ lives. Some amount of conflict between parents and grandparents over the raising of children is common. If you are having difficulty seeing your grandchildren the first (and second) options should be to attempt to negotiate and mediate a compromise with the parents. If you can avoid going to court you should do so. There is a lot of information on reasons not to go to court and how to handle disputes in my new book about grandparents rights No Greater […]
September 23, 2010

My New Grandparents Rights Book – Now Available

I have just published the definitive volume on Grandparents Rights today. My new book No Greater Loss: The Guidebook to Today’s Grandparents Rights is now available in print. It contains everything you need to know about Grandparents Rights regarding visitation, custody, guardianship and much more. I have written this book to help bridge the gap between Logic and Law. Grandparents have provided and still provide so much caring continuity in our extended families…and yet there is a danger that these relationships are being lost to misdirected anger and vindictiveness by irrational people in the process of fracturing the family unit. […]