Grandparents Rights

Grandparents and custody rights

Many people do not recognize that grandparents can actually be awarded legal custody of their grandchildren, but that is actually…

15 years ago

What are your grandparents rights, and how to protect them

The legal controversy pertaining to grandparents rights is relatively new and filled with uncertain case law. Unfortunately for grandparents, the law…

15 years ago

How to obtain grandparents custody

It is true that a grandparent may seek legal custody of their grandchildren for numerous reasons. How simple or complex…

15 years ago

You need to find out what your grandparents rights are now!

Everyone of our 50 states once had laws that gave grandparents the right to ask the court to consider their…

15 years ago

What are grandparents rights, and how do you obtain them fast?

Grandparents’ rights refer to rights grandparents possess to see and have contact with their grandchildren, usually after something like a…

15 years ago

How to get your grandparents rights (or even custody) during a divorce

Grandparents who are having questions about their grandparents rights in disputes involving their grandchildren should know that even though they…

15 years ago

Get info on your grandparents rights BEFORE you seek an attorney

So you have successfully exerted your grandparents what? The reality is that certain practical considerations come into play.  You…

15 years ago

Factors which go into grandparents rights

Courts convene to consider the extent of grandparents rights in any custody or visitation case, the one huge overriding factor…

15 years ago

Grandparents rights all about the kids

When grandparents rights are implemented in the way they were intended a great amount of good is the result. Nearly every…

15 years ago

Things you should know about your grandparents rights

This message is not intended to scare you. Actually, I hope it will instead inform you enough and give you…

15 years ago