
November 14, 2010

A call to action for Caring Grandparents!

As you already know as a Caring Grandparent, caring about and loving your grandchild is the easy part. The hard comes when the rest of the world intervenes. As an advocate for Grandparents Rights I see hundreds of cases where the love of a grandparent for their grandchild is impeded in its tracks by the realities of the world we live in. That’s why today Caring Grandparents must also be active grandparents. I consider my latest book No Greater Loss as a call to action for all Caring Grandparents out there to stand up and say that we will no […]
November 6, 2010

Games to Play with the Grandchildren

Grandparents Games can be a fun way for you as a grandparent to spend time with your grandchildren whether they are right beside you at the computer of far away from you at home. Here are some of the best sites online sites that feature games grandparents can play with their grandchildren. Grandparents Games to Play with the Grandchildren
November 5, 2010

Resources for Grandparents

Caring Grandparents No Greater Loss, Neil Taft AARP 601 E Street NW Washington, DC 20049 888-OUR-AARP Grandparents Rights Organization 1760 S. Telegraph Ste. 300 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 248-646-7177 Grandparents Magazine Grandparents for Children’s Rights Grandparents Resource Center Grandparents Today Grandparents Raising Grandchildren GRAND magazine Grandparents United DE, Inc. Grandparent’s Web National Adoption Information Clearinghouse 330 C Street, SW Washington, DC 20447 703-352-3488 BOOKS Canfield, Jack & Hansen, Mark Victor. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Grand and Great. Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, 2008. Covey, Stephen. The […]
October 23, 2010

The touchy subject of parental abuse

The most serious allegation that you can attempt to prove in court is that of abuse or neglect of the child. Therefore, if you make this allegation you can expect a spirited denial from the parent whom you charge with such an action or pattern of actions. Such actions can not only cause a parent to lose a child permanently but also lead to criminal charges. It is important to remember that if you suspect the abuse of a child it is your duty to report the matter to authorities, regardless of your decision about seeking custody. In fact, under […]
October 11, 2010

The importance of Caring Grandparents

Caring grandparents love to spoil their grandchildren and have special feelings for them. In some cases, grandparents are unable to have a close relationship with their grandchildren because of health issues and other reasons but this does not mean that the grandparents don’t love or want to see their grandchildren and this is something that the parents must think about. When a couple divorces they must decide or let the court decide, which parent the children will live with and in most cases, there is shared custody of the children. This makes it easier for the parents both being with […]
August 5, 2010

Proud grandparents: Grandparents and adoption

One of the greatest of experiences in life is becoming a grandparent, even if it comes through unconventional means. Grandparents whose children adopt have a wonderful chance to welcome a brand new person into their family. As with all major life changes, adoption is both a wonderful and challenging experience, filled with excitement, adjustment and joy. This is no less true for the grandparents, as they watch their own beloved children dealing with all the emotions that come with adopting a child. Here are some tips to consider if you are becoming a grandparent through adoption: Be a partner in […]
August 3, 2010

A “time-out” primer for grandparents dealing with grandchildren and discipline

Grandparents who find themselves having custody of their grandchildren, or just spending a great deal of time with them during visitation, may wonder about discipline techniques. Children who are used to “time-outs” may stump grandparents raised many years ago in entirely different circumstances. Time-outs can effectively stop behaviors that are especially hard to discipline. It can also serve as disciplinary action for a particularly aggressive or impulsive grandkid! These discipline problems can include everything from a temper tantrum to cursing to  name-calling to spitting to acting up and  to biting. If your grandchild is very angry or actually having a […]
April 14, 2010

Our legacy of wisdom

Wisdom is sometimes just listening. It is sometimes teaching, learning, supporting, sharing and/or empathizing.  Wisdom is a grandparents gift to their grandchildren. Wisdom is worth sharing with those we love. God knows it is one of our grandparents rights since we have worked so hard for it. It would be scary for those of us that are grandparents to put a price on the wisdom we have gained through the years. The blood, sweat and tears that has been invested in raising and nurturing our families  is commensurate with the wisdom we have garnered along the way. Oh, the good […]
April 3, 2010

Useful thoughts about grandparents connecting with their grandkids

It all starts when that little bundle of joy wraps his or her tiny hand around Grandpa’s finger. Now they have you……forever. Don’t fight it, the struggle is useless, you are hooked. The journey has begun. This is to be a journey of discovery for the new grandparents and for the repeat grandparents, still a thrill all the same. After 6 grandchildren in the past 20 years I can attest that each time is breathtaking, awesome and wonderful. Aren’t you glad to hear the good news? Well, as you may have guessed there is a challenge in this process as […]
February 21, 2010

It’s all about the child

For many reasons there is a groundswell of interest around grandparents rights versus parents rights. The Supreme Court of the United States of America has chimed in about Parents rights and 45 states have passed legislation having to do with Grandparents rights. There are 77,400,000 web sites dealing with parents rights and 2,130,00 about Grandparents rights. In short, there is as lot of interest when it comes to these rights and most have to do with staking out their own position. The good news is that in most families this is exactly the way things play out, even though the […]