
July 6, 2011

Neat ideas on how to video chat with your grandkids

If you enjoy talking with your grandchildren on the phone, you will love video chatting even more! It’s video conferencing software you run on your computer that lets you talk with and see your family. It’s just like in the Jetsons cartoon—live audio and video. What could be worth more than seeing the grin on your grandchild’s face when they see you talking with them on the screen? They’ll be proud to show you how much they’ve grown and to show off their first missing tooth. Even grandbabies will respond to your voice and smiling countenance. Somethings are just better […]
June 11, 2011

Grandparents raising grandchildren

Grandparents raising grandchildren has become a very common factor and it seems that there are many more grandparents taking on the role of parent to their grandchildren and this puts many grandparents in a funny situation. It may be complicated to determine what your grandparents rights, but you need to find out what you can do as a grandparent and there may be some specific situations where you will be in some trouble if you do not have specific rights to your grandchildren. If you are grandparents raising grandchildren and you are the sole provider for a child, or children, […]
February 21, 2011

Tips for grandparents raising their grandchildren

There are many reasons today why grandparents are raising their grandchildren. It is increasingly common and has accelerated over the last ten years. Grandparents who are raising their grandchildren should take these tips to become successful in their endeavors: First and foremost they have to take good care of themselves, because how can they take care of those kids if they cannot take care of themselves and goes with the saying they cannot give what they do not have. Always stay positive, for this would be of great help to overcome the possible difficulties they might encounter. Since it seems […]
February 8, 2011

The importance of grandparents

How important is it for a child to maintain a relationship with their grandparents and great-grandparents? In a word, very. Grandparents and great-grandparents represent the grandchild’s personal connection to the past, the link to their family’s history. They educate and care-give in ways that the grandchild’s parents simply cannot. They have learned the value of patience and they understand fully the value of time. Looking through the elders’ eyes, they want to be with the children of their children and get to know them well. They want to be influential, and provide guidance and support of the emotional kind and […]
February 1, 2011

Fun and educational games to play with your grandchildren

Grandparent visits can be fun times for children, but they are even more fun when you add games into the mix. Children absolutely love to play games and having family members involved in them is actually one of the joys of youths that almost everyone remembers fondly. In addition to that, making learning fun is essential to your grandkids’ educational development. Boost their verbal skills with entertaining games that engage their minds. Play along and watch them turn into wonderfully colorful wordsmiths. Here are five games to fill their mental dictionaries. The best part? Each one is so much fun the […]
January 20, 2011

Consideration for grandparents caring for the grandchildren

Many people have a lot of questions when it comes to grandparents custody and the consideration of grandparents rights who are caring for their grandchildren. Grandparents who are actually caring for their grandchildren should take affirmative steps to protect their rights. This can often be done by obtaining legal guardianship over the grandchildren, or by actually obtaining an order of custody. Absent a formal legal grant of rights, grandparents may find it much more difficult to preserve their relationship with their grandchildren, or to protect their grandchildren from being restored to the custody of a parent who is not ready […]
January 6, 2011

Games for grandparents and grandchildren to play

Playing with grandchildren is something every grandparent enjoys. For the child, play is an important part of childhood, developing thinking and reasoning skills, teaching social skills and building confidence. For grandparents, playing with grandchildren keeps them mentally and physically active. For the grandparent and child, playing develops family relationships and builds memories. Games by Ages Games for babies and toddlers are generally short and involve direct interaction between the grandparent and child. For infants, these games include peek-a-boo, itsy-bitsy spider, imitating animals, or walking around and naming things. Older babies and toddlers love these games as well, and they enjoy […]
December 26, 2010

Games grandparents can play with their grandchildren

Grandparents are capable of teaching their grandchildren things that they would not get to learn anywhere else. The grandchildren will most definitely remember the knowledge, skills, attitudes as well as values that have been passed down by their grandparents. Most grandchildren who have a strong relationship with their grandparents are known to do well in school work and tend to have a strong sense of family as compared to those who do not have strong relationships with their grandparents. In order to make your relationship strong with your grandchildren there are a number of things you can do. One of […]
December 20, 2010

Games and activites grandparents can engage in with granchildren

If you need some suggestions for activities with your grandchildren, here are some: a hike to a nearby natural place, assuming Grandma/Grandpa are up to it a trip to the park fishing, boating, swimming a trip to a museum (appropriate for children, of course) scrapbooking a trip to a spectator sport such as a baseball game state or county fair a train trip is always fun hunting (older kids, of course) music or art festival trip to the beach or a lake if Gramma or Grampa are tech-savvy, maybe they could do a cross generational blog! Zoo a big jigsaw […]
November 27, 2010

Grandparents Games

Here are some fun games I have found for playing with the grandchildren which don’t require you to purchase anything at the store. Grandparents Games 1: Newspaper Copy Games Each child and their grandparent receive a newspaper, a pair of scissors and a roll of sticky tape. In 15 minutes, each team’s task is to create an outfit – consisting of 3 items eg hat/top/pants or hat/dress/over-shirt – for each member using only the newspaper, scissors and sticky tape. Afterwards, teams parade their creations and teachers can hand out a series of prizes for the neatest, messiest, or most creative […]