
January 28, 2018

Grandparents Ask Yourself This Question

January 12, 2018

When Caring Isn’t Enough

April 9, 2017

Sharing Your Wisdom

March 21, 2017

Times They Are A Changin’ and Pretty Fast!

March 8, 2017

Can You Get Your Nose Under the Tent?

March 5, 2017

Tips on Communicating with Grandchildren

March 1, 2017

The Power We Weild As Grandparents

February 12, 2017


One sure fire way to make sure your Grandparents Rights stay in tact is to meet the family of your Grandchildren right were they are. I realize that sounds like a blinding glimpse of the obvious but it is an oft overlooked area of human relationships. I learned this in, of all places, a management communication seminar years ago. The situation was;  you need to grab a moment of one of your coworkers time for a quick question. It would be understandable to just step in there office and ask. However, if they are on the phone or in the […]
February 11, 2017


As complicated as the Grandparents Rights issue can be most of us still have the ability to add tremendous value to those deserved precious minds of our grands. If you are reading this post on this site you are a Caring Grandparent and that qualifies you as a certified positive influence on the lives of your grandchild. All of us look for affirmation of our place in society. Young people are often defined by knowing they matter to more than just their parents. Schools, sports, etc can sometimes unknowingly be cruel and this is where we come in. When I […]
February 3, 2017

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