No matter where you are in this roller coaster of Grandparents access to their grandchildren it is valuable to share. There is no shortage of Grandparents to share with.
By the time things get to the point of a “Rights struggle” there has been a lot of water under the bridge. I hear a lot of stories that begin in the Labor and Delivery room at the hospital. Many more come of marriage breakups, etc.
I commend you for taking action on behalf of your Grandkids. It is my belief that we are called as Caring Grandparents to do everything in our power to bring more love and support into the lives of our most precious and vulnerable Grandchildren.
Most of you reading this have already exhausted the common sense approach of appealing to reason. Whatever the reason for the breakdown in the relationship it is still important that we use all the tools at our disposal.
As you know, our grandkids watch us closely—more so than they listen to what we say. Their eyes are always on us, taking in the subtle things we do, the choices we make, and the actions we take.
As painful and unfair as it is at times, we must keep loving those little miracles we call grandkids. Despite the challenges and hardships life throws our way, the unconditional love we offer our grandchildren becomes a source of strength and resilience.
Please consider your way to connect with your Grands. It may or may not be through reading, but find what they are interested in and immerse yourself in it. The rewards are breathtaking.
I am a firm believer in the goodness of folks, especially Grandparents, given the right information. I am not naive enough to think that there are no bad actors, but my interaction with thousands of grandparents has informed me that it is mostly misperceptions and lack of knowledge that cause complications in extended families.
Now, we are faced with how to be in this new world. I don’t know about you, but I ask my grandkids for lots of help with my iPhone. I find ways to communicate with them that they prefer because I plan to do all in my power to stay in their lives as much as I can.