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The contribution of Caring Grandparents cannot be over stated.  It is our duty, whether you are a new grandparent or like myself on the verge of great grandparenthood, to raise Loving and Lovable children and help them to do the same. (Like the commercial says, “Wash, Rinse, Repeat”).  I am convinced that this process passed down through the generations  will have  a much grearer effect on this world than all the goverment programs combined.  The source of this power can be repeated and grown with each new grandchild.  As the picture above shows, you can’t give this good stuff away.  It comes right back bigger and better than you give it.

One of the best gifts for grandparents may come in the form of a call or card to recognize how special they are and Grandparents day is a good reminder of that.  I promise you that this will mean so very much more since this is a day set aside to raise up these wonderful people that have done so much for us.  I like the fact that Grandparents day is so far from the other major holidays.  It makes it a spedial day.

So mark September 13th on your calender, give it a lot of thought and make this a special day for your grandparents.  BE HAPPY AND SHARE IT.  NEIL


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