If you need some suggestions for activities with your grandchildren, here are some:
Older grandchildren can be requested to help Grandma and Grandpa with cleaning or home improvement projects and get an excellent meal out of it.
Older people have a lot to offer. They lived at a different time, and they may transmit ancient skills, stories, and outlooks to children that parents can’t. They say every time an old person dies, a library burns down. Take advantage of grandparents and grandchildren that live
You may then ask what the problem is. One answer is something I wrote in…
Now, we are faced with how to be in this new world. I don’t know…
Raising grandkids truly takes a team effort, and one of the unexpected rewards is the…
I am just telling you that the research is clear, it is incumbent upon you…
Being estranged from a Grandchild is an arrow to the heart. We will do anything…
The greatest thing humans have to offer another person is our time and attention. This…