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Most of us have various degrees of connection to our grandchildren. Some are close, some far, some young and some grown, some bloodline, some Step-Grands. No matter the case as a grandparent you are positioned perfectly in the family hierarchy to add special value to each of these treasures.

We have a License to LOVE and make a significant difference.

I have been a Grandparent for decades and have been working on ways to enhance my connection to my now 10 Grands and 2 Great Grands as well as dozens of what I call Adopted Grandkids. My method has been to listen to and study what has worked and what has not worked for other Grandparents. This is one of those Serendipitous deals where you can’t possibly help someone up the hill without getting closer to the top yourself. My greatest Joy is to pick up the phone to hear an unsolicited call from one of my Grands telling me about some event in their lives. Let me hasten to mention that this doesn’t just happen, it takes some real Grandparent connecting skills, but the benefits are enormous. these are the kinds of things I like to share with each of you CARING GRANDPARENTS.

I will be writing more on some of these connection techniques in future articles. In the meantime thank you for being a Caring Grandparents for we have the opportunity to help our precious charges to feel they matter and magically in doing that we matter as well. Once again Serendipity!


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