
August 3, 2010

A “time-out” primer for grandparents dealing with grandchildren and discipline

Grandparents who find themselves having custody of their grandchildren, or just spending a great deal of time with them during visitation, may wonder about discipline techniques. Children who are used to “time-outs” may stump grandparents raised many years ago in entirely different circumstances. Time-outs can effectively stop behaviors that are especially hard to discipline. It can also serve as disciplinary action for a particularly aggressive or impulsive grandkid! These discipline problems can include everything from a temper tantrum to cursing to  name-calling to spitting to acting up and  to biting. If your grandchild is very angry or actually having a […]
August 1, 2010

Grandparents raising their grandchildren need to be protected by the courts

Situations in which grandparents raise their grandchildren are certainly not new, but the cases of this happening have been skyrocketing over the last decade. Studies are long overdue as to the number of grandparents in the country who are raising their grandchildren. State and Federal Government agencies that are responsible for gathering such family data need to address this issue. The number of grandparents raising their grandchildren has rapidly increased. With this increase some grandparents are finding themselves overwhelmed. Whole heartedly they take on the task of providing a loving, safe, stable environment for their grandchildren to thrive and grown […]
July 29, 2010

First steps in establishing your grandparents rights

Are you having problems seeing your grandchild after a difficult divorce involving their parents? If so, the first thing you need to do is learn about the visitation laws in the state where your grandchild lives. State law is not going to give you the right to visit your grandchild automatically, but in some states you have the ability to ask a court for visitation rights. In those states, a judge will make the final decision after looking at your family situation. Each one of our 50 states once had laws that gave grandparents the right to ask the court […]
July 27, 2010

How to establish your grandparents rights

You don’t need to spend a fortune on a lawyer to go over your grandparents rights with you. Fortunately, there is a helpful resource in The Custody Center that spares you the pain of high legal fees and will get you informed and up to date on exactly what your grandparents rights are in your situation. By using the resources of The Custody Center instead of a lawyer you can easily make yourself informed of your grandparents rights but at the same time you can avoid both legal fees and the appearance of conflict that comes from hiring a lawyer. […]
July 26, 2010

Grandparents rights and custody

Some grandparents may be surprised to know that they can actually be awarded legal custody of their grandchildren, but that does happen in some cases. Usually you see this situation in the event that neither of a child’s parents can provide them a safe and adequate home. Many grandparents know that after the Troxell Supreme Court decision in 2000 grandparents suffered a set-back in regards to what their grandparents rights were. However, this decision did not eliminate the idea of grandparents rights or custody at all. It simply meant that in cases of custody grandparents can only be awarded their […]
July 24, 2010

The best advice you can get regarding grandparents rights

Today statistics show that over 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Although it is traditionally accepted that this is hard on the parties divorcing and especially on the children involved, virtually no one talks about how hard this is on grandparents. This can lead many to conclude that though parents divorcing have many rights, grandparents have none. In fact, one truth in this is that grandparents do have fewer rights when compared to parents. Certainly, the courts have not protected them as much as is proper. However, it is a myth that grandparents have no rights, and in fact […]
July 21, 2010

What are grandparents rights today?

Studies have shown that a grandparent’s mental and physical health is greatly enhanced by having the company of their grandchildren. At one time, this was the usual circumstance in a grandparent’s life. Although they weren’t called that, the concept of grandparents rights was ingrained in our society. It was never a question that a grandparents quality time with their grandchildren was a part of normal family life. Today, things have drastically changed. With the prevalence in our society of such social ills as divorce, separation, parental drug use and abandonment and the premature deaths of parents, the hold of grandparents […]
July 19, 2010

Understanding grandparents rights

In the ongoing struggle to understand grandparents rights the battles are often fought at the state level, and more specifically in local magistrate courts as judges decide individual cases based on their interpretation of previous decisions. Resources like those available at The Custody Center can help you narrow down exactly what your state laws are. There have always been cases where problems exist between parents and grandparents over the right to see and spend time with grandchildren. These days due to social forces there are more cases now than there have ever been before. The increase in the number of […]
July 16, 2010

Can grandparents really obatin custody of their grandchildren?

Under very specific circumstances grandparents CAN be granted custody rights of their grandchildren. When one parent is deceased the other surviving parent typically obtains custody of the child as long as they are seen as fit by the court. This is a very hard standard to overcome, although obviously in some instances including jailed parents, drug use, child abuse, abject poverty or other social ills the courts can decide to give custody to another party, including a grandparent. If both parents are deceased, the courts may decide to award the custody of the child to the grandparents since a blood […]
July 15, 2010

Should grandparents right exist?

One of the core debates in regards to grandparents rights is whether they actually should exist and in what form. Believe it or not, there actually is a long-running debate in the country as to whether grandparents have the right to visit their grandchildren or not. Many people believe that a child should have contact with their grandparents in order to learn the family history and to grow into a good person. They believe that a child receives a ton of value from this attention and love. Others say a child can be raised with or without the input of grandparents […]