
February 7, 2011

Explaining grandparents custody

There are two principal situations when the custodial rights of grandparents come into play.  One is when the grandparents wants custodial rights over the child’s real or adoptive parents.  The other is when the grandparent wants custody over persons who are not the child’s real or adoptive parents, but who presently have custody. With high divorce rates, teen pregnancy issues, drug problems, abandonment, abuse and sometimes the death of a parent or parents, many grandparents feel the need to step up and help out. Grandparent’s rights can be tricky, though, and often it’s hard to know where to start or […]
February 1, 2011

Fun and educational games to play with your grandchildren

Grandparent visits can be fun times for children, but they are even more fun when you add games into the mix. Children absolutely love to play games and having family members involved in them is actually one of the joys of youths that almost everyone remembers fondly. In addition to that, making learning fun is essential to your grandkids’ educational development. Boost their verbal skills with entertaining games that engage their minds. Play along and watch them turn into wonderfully colorful wordsmiths. Here are five games to fill their mental dictionaries. The best part? Each one is so much fun the […]
January 25, 2011

The State of Grandparents Rights

When it comes to grandparents rights different states have different standards. This is because the 2000 Troxell Supreme Court decision splintered the laws and advocates of fairness in grandparents rights have been trying to catch up ever since. All 50 states currently have some type of “grandparent visitation” statute through which grandparents, and sometimes others (foster parents and stepparents, for example), can ask a court to grant them the legal right to maintain their relationships with loved children. But state laws vary greatly when it comes to the crucial details, such as who can visit and under what circumstances. Approximately 20 states have […]
January 20, 2011

Consideration for grandparents caring for the grandchildren

Many people have a lot of questions when it comes to grandparents custody and the consideration of grandparents rights who are caring for their grandchildren. Grandparents who are actually caring for their grandchildren should take affirmative steps to protect their rights. This can often be done by obtaining legal guardianship over the grandchildren, or by actually obtaining an order of custody. Absent a formal legal grant of rights, grandparents may find it much more difficult to preserve their relationship with their grandchildren, or to protect their grandchildren from being restored to the custody of a parent who is not ready […]
January 13, 2011

Grandparents custody options

Grandparents custody is occurring with greater frequency today due to many social factors. Certainly, the number of grandparents raising their grandchildren in their homes is skyrocketing. Grandparents who take care of their grandchildren regularly, whether through a court order or because their children are unfit, may want to think about getting custody. Without legal custody, grandparents may find themselves unable to get proper medical care or take advantage of certain benefits their grandchildren may be entitled to. There are several options to consider here: Consider temporary relative custody. This is a document that awards temporary custody to a relative in […]
January 10, 2011

Mistakes to avoid when seeking grandparents visitation rights

Seeking to obtain grandparents visitation rights can be a very trying event for any grandparent. When we usually see our grandchildren on a normal basis and that is taken away it can leave us very sad. We miss them very much because they are so much a part of our lives. We love the relationship we have with our grandchildren. My book No Greater Loss addresses the issue of grandparents visitation rights in detail. Knowing just what you should do and understanding how to get it done is crucial. It’s also necessary to know what you should NOT do, what […]
January 6, 2011

Games for grandparents and grandchildren to play

Playing with grandchildren is something every grandparent enjoys. For the child, play is an important part of childhood, developing thinking and reasoning skills, teaching social skills and building confidence. For grandparents, playing with grandchildren keeps them mentally and physically active. For the grandparent and child, playing develops family relationships and builds memories. Games by Ages Games for babies and toddlers are generally short and involve direct interaction between the grandparent and child. For infants, these games include peek-a-boo, itsy-bitsy spider, imitating animals, or walking around and naming things. Older babies and toddlers love these games as well, and they enjoy […]
January 3, 2011

Grandparents custody: what is it and why?

A grandparent may seek legal custody of their grandchildren for numerous reasons. The simplicity or complexity of this will depend on individual circumstances and whether or not both the parents and grandparents agree that the children should be in the custody of the grandparents. Legal custody is awarded by the courts and is not merely a written agreement between two parties. If both parties are not in agreement, the grandparent or other relative must prove to the court that it is in the best interest of the child or children to be raised by someone other than the parent. If […]
December 26, 2010

Games grandparents can play with their grandchildren

Grandparents are capable of teaching their grandchildren things that they would not get to learn anywhere else. The grandchildren will most definitely remember the knowledge, skills, attitudes as well as values that have been passed down by their grandparents. Most grandchildren who have a strong relationship with their grandparents are known to do well in school work and tend to have a strong sense of family as compared to those who do not have strong relationships with their grandparents. In order to make your relationship strong with your grandchildren there are a number of things you can do. One of […]
December 23, 2010

Researching your grandparents visitation rights

Researching your grandparents visitation rights it not as hard as you might think. Whatever aim you will have, you may need tips, ideas, and good advice to assist you to achieve it. It’ll be much easier to reach your goal if you know what to do and what to stay clear of. Presented here are three important guidelines to help you achieve your goals. Usually when you use the following pointers you’ll enhance your possibilities to have improved final results. If you need to read more information you may do so by following this link to read more about grandparents […]