
February 7, 2017


As Grandparents we have earned the right to think it is all about us. We also have the right to think it is all about our grandkids. The truth is, when it comes to Grandparents Rights it IS all about the parents. I have to remind you that I am only the messenger. I also hate to inform you but this has less to do with fairness, which is in the eyes of the beholder, and all about what is SMART. I will warn you that, when it comes to Grandparents rights, smart is often really, really hard. Since the […]
February 4, 2017


The birth of each grandchild, aside from being a undisputed miracle, starts a magic transformation in a Caring Grandparent. According to Lesley Stahl’s new book “BECOMING GRANDMA” there is an actual chemical change that aids this bonding process. I don’t know about you all but I have been hopelessly smitten with each and all of my Grands and Great Grands with or without any chemical change. I am in awe of every one of them. At the same time I am acutely aware of the ripe opportunity I have in this unique relationship between Grandparent and Grandchild. I hold the […]
February 3, 2017

Aenean sodales pretium nullam

Donec sed augue ut tortor faucibus amet. In fermentum nulla eget iaculis fermentum? Sed ac libero eu metus lacinia pretium. Praesent ultrices consequat.
January 30, 2017


The battle to win Grandparents rights is long, hard and not often rewarding in the short term. That is not to say that it is not worth it. It is only to say that Grandparents Rights may better be seen as Grandparents privileges. Since Grandparents rights aren’t and never will be constitutional it is time for a new approach. I advocate the approach of preemptive mindful actions that allow us a much better chance to be a part of our grandchildren’s lives going forward. I will be talking more about specifics in coming posts but I think we need to […]
February 3, 2016

This blog is about so much more than Grandparents Rights

Most of my posts have been about Grandparents Rights for a good reason. Now and then I come across a story that is so very compelling that it deserves to be shared, My Brother and Sister-in-law have some friends that have a huge challenge in their lives right now and I wanted to let the readers of this post know about it and put it on your hearts to share this with others. The subjects of the story are Chris and Jeff Weihl. They are Grandparents to some 14 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Of course all 19 are really […]
June 4, 2015


  I have taken great pains to explain why there will never be a sweeping single piece of legislation that covers Grandparents Rights. I wish it wasn’t so but that is the reality. I guess the question is; Now what do we do?. The answer is in the state legislatures. An example of progress is the Oregon State House Bill 3014 that has been approved by both houses and is awaiting Gov. Kate Brown’s signature. I have often stated that, especially when it comes to Grandparents Rights, that Logic and Law don’t come together. In the State of Oregon when […]
May 30, 2015


The Supreme Court of New Hampshire rules to preserve the grandparents visitation rights even if a child’s parents die and they are adopted. This is a sure sign that New Hampshire, at least, recognizes “The best interest of the child” and the need for stability and continuity in their lives.   I have said before that especially during times of family unit upheaval children need more love and sense of security, not less. I take this and other baby steps as a sign that logic may prevail to the benefit of our grand children. Thank You for being a Caring […]
May 28, 2015


I have just returned from the VA after getting a Thyroid tune-up and I want to celebrate that with you all. Even though it wasn’t that big of a deal any operation will tend to get our attention about the Gift of Health. I have been so fortunate to have had good health and according to the doctor that should continue. That means I will be sharing more tips on Grandparents rights as well as expanding out to encouraging each of you to do the things that allow you to spend more time and energy with your grand angels. The […]
March 29, 2015

THE STATE OF GRANDPARENTS RIGHTS Part 8 (Final in the series)

Grandparents Rights, while logical, are beset with many complications and unintended consequences. that is why I spelled out each of Senator East’s 6 points. The path to any semblance of fairness has to come through the states. The first 7 parts of this series outlined Senator East’s charge to the subcommittee as they took testimony regarding Senate Concurrent Resolution 40. “The purpose of this hearing is to listen to some testimony pertinent to the problems of Grandparents Visitation Rights. what the United States Senate can do, I do not know, but I certainly come to this task of the hearing […]
March 11, 2015


In his pursuit of thoroughness, Senator East added this final question to the charge for the subcommittee to consider should they move to draft a bill for Grandparents rights. “What safeguards should there be for the abuse of any right or privilege granted to grandparents?” to qualify and clarify his question he goes on to say; “Child custody and child support are, already, significant problems in the United States. There may be as many as 300,000 (1983 numbers) incidents of child-snatching or related kinds of behavior in this country per year. This behavior continues notwithstanding enormous efforts to curtail child […]