
Grandparents rights do exist in the USA

If you ask to your friend or your colleagues, most of them will tell you that grandparents do not have…

13 years ago

Grandparents rights in Utah

Grandparents rights in Utah are a contentious issue as they are in every state. Of course, as everywhere many people…

13 years ago

Grandparents rights in Texas

Texas’ concept of grandparents rights is in line with many of the other states I have examined. As always, to…

13 years ago

Neil Taft in the La Mesa Patch Moms Council patch, on grandparents rights!

Every Wednesday, the La Mesa Patch Moms Council poses a question and invites your wisdom—and chimes in themselves. This Wed…

13 years ago

Grandparents rights in Michigan

Grandparents in Michigan are entitled to grandparents custody and visitation under certain circumstances, but their rights may be subject to…

13 years ago

Grandparents rights in Louisiana

As everywhere, grandparents rights in Louisiana are a complicated and tangled affair. I’ll do my best to explain the current…

13 years ago

Grandparents rights in South Carolina are constantly changing

One of the difficulties when dealing with grandparents rights is that the laws vary so much depending on your state.…

13 years ago

The risk of losing our grandparents rights

I think most people would agree when we look back at our own childhoods that Grandma and Grandad play a…

13 years ago

How does the court decide grandparents rights?

Most of us know about the various battles that can happen in the court after a divorce regarding the custody…

13 years ago

Grandparents raising grandchildren rally in Washington, DC

Across the country hundreds of thousands of grandparents raising grandchildren do not get sufficient rights or help. They gladly take…

13 years ago